Past events

Infobrij brings rave reviews from a wide variety of attendees

The executive team behind Infobrij has been out in the real estate community, educating our peers on our creative new crowdinvesting platform. We’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response from attendees who see the value in an online platform that streamlines the commercial real estate project management process and encourages collaboration among all players.

Orange County Event, May 12, 2016The Infobrij platform dramatically expands on the model of the events we’ve hosted, by acting as the information hub through which lenders, investors, sponsors, and real estate service providers can put together a commercial real estate deal as well as monitor it throughout its lifecycle. Just as we can look around the room at an event and see the representatives from all the involved parties, our platform creates the same transparency among those collaborators during a project.

Orange County, April 5, 2016Of particular excitement to past attendees is the fact that Infobrij offers risk mitigation options and performs exhaustive research and vetting on the potential sponsors and projects. We’ve also received feedback indicating that they feel an extra level of security upon discovering that Infobrij participates in every project we offer on the platform.