Physicians / Doctors

As a physician, buying your first home is a major milestone. After enduring medical school, board exams, and residency, you’re finally ready to settle down in a place of your own. But do you know how to buy a houseREAD MORE

In our society of instant gratification, it is no surprise that fewer than four in 10 Americans could pay a surprise $1,000 bill from savings. Nearly one in five Americans did not save any money in 2021, according to recent data. Clearly,READ MORE

At some point, you may find yourself with $100,000 in the bank and questions on how to invest it. Whether you are looking to get a return on the money in the short-term or achieve growth in the long-term, thereREAD MORE

Have you ever applied for a loan and been told you need to provide a personal net worth statement? Did you have one ready? A personal net worth statement is an important tool that shows the financial health of anREAD MORE

Burnout is often associated with the stresses of work, and, due to a variety of factors, many medical professionals will feel burned out at some point in their careers. But the phenomenon is especially prevalent among female physicians.  What isREAD MORE